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Other Ways to Give

March 26, 2021

Support from individuals like you makes all of our work possible. And as our community continues to grow, our mission becomes more and more critical. In addition to making cash donations to the Land Trust, there are numerous other options (with tax benefits) to support the Land Trust’s mission now and in the future. Below are three opportunities that you may want to consider:

Retirement Plan Gifts

Retirement plans such as IRAs and 401(k)s can be considered suitable for a charitable gift. If you are 72 or older, you may direct your required minimum distribution directly to the Land Trust.  You may use this distribution for a Land Trust membership, for project support, or a simple donation.  If you are interested in making a gift to the Land Trust for the future (after your lifetime),  you may list the Land Trust of North Alabama as a primary or a contingent beneficiary in your policy.  This involves contacting the institution that holds your fund and asking for a “beneficiary form” to complete and submit.

Life Insurance Plan Gifts

Did you know that you may designate a portion or all of the cash benefit of a life insurance policy to the Land Trust of North Alabama? This can be as easy as listing the Land Trust as a primary or contingent beneficiary of the policy. You need only contact your financial institution and request a “beneficiary form” to complete and submit.


A bequest is probably one of the easiest and most common ways to give. It is simply a gift made through your will or trust.  It can be cash, stocks, bonds, or even land.  You can direct a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to your heirs, including the Land Trust of North Alabama, through a bequest in your will.

If you have questions about these or other giving opportunities, please contact Hallie Porter, Development Director, at 256-534-5263 or