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Event Series Event Series: Sights and Sounds of Harvest Square

Sights and Sounds of Harvest Square: STEM at the Preserve

April 27 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Join Land Trust of North Alabama as we host the second of this year’s STEM at the Preserve events with support from Toyota and the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF). Families with elementary aged children are invited to attend this program focused on flowering plants and pollinators. We will explore the preserve to discover flowering plants and pollinators present, as well as observe and explore pollinator adaptations. Come ready for an afternoon of fun, guided  activities and family-led interactive activities.

Additional Notes:
Please dress appropriately and bring your own water/snacks for a short hike.
Participants will be provided with a field journal; participants are encouraged to keep the field journal and bring to future events.

This program will last between one and two hours, depending on the week’s theme.

Ages: Elementary aged children (ages 5-11) and their caregivers

Leader: Susan Fleck

Location: Harvest Square Nature Preserve–111 Allyson Sadie Blvd. Harvest, AL 35749

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April 27
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Event Categories:


Harvest Square Nature Preserve
111 Allyson Sadie Boulevard
Harvest, AL 35749 United States
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